Get essential attendee insights.

Get a complete understanding of your attendees across devices and platforms. AITL gives you complete post event analytics, free of charge, to understand the attendee journey and improve your ROI.

By analysing overt and covert actions on your mobile app and platform you can see what really makes your attendees tick and strategically plan for even better events.

Are your attendees engaged?

Track and measure attendee behaviour

See what’s in it for you.

Unlock customer-centric measurement.

See what areas, sessions, sponsors and content is getting the most traction by attendee type.

Get smarter insights to improve ROI

Give your sponsors robust data sets to follow up with based on their engagement.

Connect your insights to results.

See who tapped favourite and attended which sessions and activities at your events - and who did not show.

Facilitate lasting relationships

Understand who is connecting and why they are connecting at your events.

Measure & improve key event performance data

Simplify data sharing & analysis

Understand your events a bit more and accelerate your event community growth.