Simplified event attendance and CPD tracking solutions.

Enhance your event experience with AITL’s comprehensive attendance and CPD tracking solutions. Effortlessly manage professional development for your attendees and streamline your event operations with our intuitive app and powerful analytics.

0 +
Years experience
0 k+
Events supported
0 K+
Monthly attendees

For attendees

Effortless attendance and credentialing

Book a session

Easily schedule your sessions through the app.

Scan to register

Use the unique QR code at the event to register your attendance and record digital credentials.

Generate and share certificates

Automatically create and share certificates of attendance with your registering authority.

For organisers

Streamlined CPD tracking and credentialing

Easy attendance recording

Attendees scan the QR code generated by the event organizer to log their attendance and digital credentials.

Automated event details

Event information is automatically populated in attendee accounts for easy tracking.

Event analytics

See in real-time how many people and who are currently in a session. Export these details along with attendee attributes to help shape future strategies.​

Efficient attendance management

App-based scanning

Track attendees in and out of sessions with the app, ensuring they meet session requirements.

Virtual attendance

Automatically track session attendance for virtual participants.

Flexible badging

Use your existing badges or generate new ones with our registration system.

Session attendence and points

Use the app's badge scanner to track attendees' precise arrival, departure, and duration of stay.

Awarding points and certificates

Set session duration requirements and assign points accordingly. Award points and distribute certificates automatically based on attendance.

Attendees can generate personalized and custom certificates of attendance directly from the app or the web platform.

Streamling CPD and attendance tracking at your events