Mastering Lead Generation at Events: Solutions and Strategies for 2024

Are you struggling to generate quality leads at events despite your best efforts? In the dynamic world of business marketing, lead generation at events remains a cornerstone strategy. Despite the surge in digital marketing, face-to-face interactions at trade shows, conferences, and other events provide unique opportunities to forge personal connections and secure high-quality leads. However, these events come with their own set of challenges. In this blog, we explore these challenges and present solutions and strategies that are proven effective in the faced event industry of 2024.

Challenges and Solutions for Lead Generation at Events

Challenge: High Competition

With numerous companies vying for attendees’ attention, standing out is a significant challenge. According to a 2024 report by the Event Marketing Institute, 68% of marketers identify competition as a major hurdle at events. But how do you approach it?

Effective pre-event marketing can help create buzz and ensure that your target audience knows your presence. Utilize social media, email campaigns, and personalized invitations to drive booth traffic. A 2024 report by a lead event tech organisation indicates that companies engaging in robust pre-event marketing see a 35% increase in lead generation. Here are some of the ways you can plan an effective pre-event marketing solution –

  1. Targeted Campaigns – Use social media advertising to target event attendees based on demographics and interests. You can also create email campaigns with personalized invitations and exclusive offers.
  2. Content Marketing – Publish blogs and articles about your participation in the event. Another effective way to create the buzz with the attendees is to share sneak peeks of what to expect at your booth.
  3. Engage Influencers – Collaborate with industry influencers to amplify your presence and attract their followers to your booth.
  4. Event App Promotion – Leverage the event app to create awareness about your booth. Send push notifications and updates through the app to attract attendees. Checkout how All in the loop event apps help boost your brand awareness.

Challenge: Capturing Attendee Data

Collecting accurate and comprehensive data from attendees can be cumbersome and overwhelming. Many marketers struggle with the sheer volume of interactions and manual data entry. A study by an event tech company in 2024 highlighted that 54% of event marketers find data capture their biggest hurdle.

You can use advanced lead capture tools like QR codes, NFC badges, and mobile apps to streamline data collection.

  1. QR Codes and NFC Badges – Implement QR codes and NFC badges to enable quick and seamless data capture. Ensure that the staff is trained to assist attendees in using these technologies.
  2. Mobile Apps – Use event apps that allow attendees to share their contact information digitally. Integrate the app with your CRM to automate data entry.
  3. Interactive Kiosks – Set up kiosks where attendees can enter their information and engage with your content.
  4. App-Based Surveys – Use the event app to conduct quick surveys and gather attendee information in real-time.

According to a 2024 study by a lead event tech organisation, companies using lead capture technology report a 50% improvement in data accuracy and collection speed.

Challenge: Measuring ROI

Determining the return on investment (ROI) from event participation is complex. The Event Marketing Institute’s 2024 survey found that 60% of marketers feel uncertain about the effectiveness of their event strategies due to ambiguous ROI metrics.

Leveraging advanced analytics and CRM integration to measure the ROI of your event participation is the proven way of tackling this challenge. Metrics such as lead conversion rates, engagement levels, and revenue generated can evaluate success.

  1. Analytics Software– Use analytics software to track lead generation, engagement, and conversion metrics. Integrate with your CRM to monitor the entire sales funnel.
  2. Lead Scoring– Implement lead scoring to prioritize high-quality leads. Use engagement data to adjust scores dynamically.
  3. Post-Event Surveys– Conduct surveys through the event app to gather feedback and measure attendee satisfaction. Use insights to refine future event strategies.
  4. Real-Time Analytics– Utilize event app analytics to track attendee interactions and engagement in real-time. Adjust strategies on the fly based on data insights.

The Event Marketing Institute’s 2024 report suggests that companies employing sophisticated ROI measurement tools see a 25% improvement in event strategy effectiveness.

Challenge: Engagement Fatigue

Attendees often experience fatigue due to the overwhelming number of booths and sessions, leading to reduced engagement. This phenomenon was noted by 72% of event attendees in a 2024 survey by an events marketplace.

Designing interactive and engaging booths to helps in both attracting as well retaining attendees’ attention. Incorporate technology such as VR experiences, live demos, and interactive displays. Research from an event tech company in 2024 indicates that interactive booths generate 40% more leads than static displays.

  1. Technology Integration- Incorporate VR experiences and interactive displays to captivate attendees. Use gamification to make the experience enjoyable and memorable.
  2. Live Demonstrations- Schedule live product demonstrations to showcase features and benefits. Encourage audience participation to keep engagement high.
  3. Comfort Zones- Create comfortable areas within your booth where attendees can relax and engage with your team.
  4. Event App Engagement- Use the event app to send reminders about booth activities and demonstrations. Create app-based interactive games and challenges to drive booth traffic. AITL event app offers interactive floorplans for smooth onsite navigation & push notifications to keep your attendees informed of all event activities. Explore what All in the loop event apps offer to drive attendee engagement.

Challenge: Resource Allocation

Managing the logistics, staffing, and budget for events often strains your resources. A HubSpot report from 2024 revealed that 50% of companies find resource allocation a significant challenge when planning event participation.

It is important to Plan and allocate resources strategically. Here are some of the ways

you can do it.

  1. Prioritize High-Impact Activities– Focus on activities that offer the highest potential for lead generation and brand visibility. Allocate resources to these activities to maximize impact.
  2. Use Event Management Software– Implement event management software to streamline planning and logistics. Track expenses and allocate budget more effectively.
  3. Outsource Tasks– Outsource non-core tasks to event management firms or freelance professionals. Allow your team to focus on high-priority areas.
  4. App-Based Coordination– Use the event app to coordinate staff, schedule tasks, and manage resources efficiently. Monitor real-time updates and adjust plans as needed.

Efficient resource management can lead to better event execution and higher lead generation.


Lead generation at events remains a vital component of many marketing strategies. While challenges like high competition, data capture, ROI measurement, engagement fatigue, resource allocation, and post-event follow-up persist, adopting innovative solutions and strategies can significantly enhance lead generation efforts. By leveraging targeted pre-event marketing, interactive booth designs, advanced lead capture technology, sophisticated ROI measurement tools, efficient resource management, and robust post-event follow-up strategies, businesses can overcome these challenges and achieve their lead generation goals. The statistics presented underscore the importance of these approaches, highlighting the potential for improved performance and success in event marketing.

Staying adaptable and embracing new technologies, including event app technology, will enable companies to navigate the complexities of event-based lead generation successfully. By implementing these strategies, businesses can thrive in an increasingly competitive environment, ensuring their presence at events translates into tangible, high-quality leads and ultimately, business growth.