Become ‘restriction proof’ by partnering with All In The Loop for your events

It is fair to say we now live in a world with a level of uncertainty. 2020 tested all of us in many different ways but one thing humans do well is adapt and overcome. Even now we have different variants coming and going with new rules put in place and changes to what we can and can’t do, this can obviously cause problems for any event organiser!

Realistically what you need as an event organiser is an option to move, switch and change the event to follow with new rules and guidelines. Luckily our platform does that perfectly, for example; an in-person event can be made hybrid to cater for people who can no longer travel to the location. A Hybrid Event can be made completely virtual, an in-person event can be made hybrid, a virtual event can be made in-person. You can pivot between any solution with ease.


There is no need to reschedule or cancel your events – you can pivot between In-Person, Hybrid and Fully Virtual with ease

Even an in-person event can be made fully virtual, something we obviously did a lot of last year. Our flexibility to move from one option to another in a relatively short amount of time will ensure your event happens no matter what is going on in the world. In doing this – there is no need to reschedule or cancel your events. It can also reduce the stress for yourselves, your speakers and your audience – especially if they are international as a quick pivot to meet guidelines will ensure everyone knows what they are doing and how they are doing it.

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